AVEVA Historian Client | Web Support Cases
[ISS Support Case] Historian Client Trend Delay in Data Retrieval
Client reached out due to when using Historian Client Trend application data would not populate for five plus minutes. This is in reference to local Historian tags.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historian Client add-in in Excel is unable to obtain a license
Trend is able to grab a license from the same client PC and Query is unable to grab a license from the license serve but it able to read a demo file (LOC style)
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historian Client Questions
Client has new machines that need the new version of the software. Recommending the latest 2023 R2 as it's compatible with 2017 historian client. regarding the installation process sees a patch released for the product. Do they need the base package first or just the patch files run that directly?
Read More[ISS Support Case] Search Issue with AVEVA Web Client post Server Migration
Search bar is not working on hist client web, but trends still display data correctly since the change of Hist server name and IP.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Hist client not connecting to server
When trying to logon to the sql server in remote clients auth fails. Configured for non-CNA account. Tested in SSMS - windows auth works, sql auth failed. Changed pw - sql auth worked, client connected.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Hist Excel Error
The subject is not trusted for this specified action Access single tags from the historian for data retrieval cannot select trend
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historian client data not populating correctly
When using the historian client to look at more than 1 week of recent data the trend appears to be missing most data points. This has been seen on multiple client PCs, and was noticed after a recent issue with the Historian server.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Installing 2023 Historian Client Gets Watchdog service failed to start
Trying to install the Historian Client on a Windows 11 Machine, goes to install files Watchdog fails, gone through and removed
Read More[ISS Support Case] No data in trend
There is not data within trend and when an admin user attemtes to login the get an error of "cannot open the table runtime.dbo.runtimeparameter from ole db insql for linked server insql"
Read More[ISS Support Case] HCAL reported an error status - Cannot fetch a row for linked server INSQL
Trend tool trying to add a tag to view historical data. Error : Cannot fetch a row from the ole db provider New implementation issue first observed today : called to site today. Manual query in SSMS gets same error messages. 2023 P03.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Intermittently Logs Are Filling with WWFILPRO - ERROR: m_btStream btloc
Everything is working, occasionally will get Flood of messages in the logger. Not sure what makes it happen yet. Started when Historical logging was enabled. Theory is this is happening when users are accessing the trend page. Today seeing impact to performance, TS environment NAD
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historian Report Generation Inquiry
Client reached out looking for direction on generating reports showing binary states of equipment in plant.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Event Snap Shot Query Type Missing in Query Application
Do you know what happened to the Event Snapshot that used to be a Query Type in the Query tool? I have an event tag and I do not know how to see the tags in it anymore when using the Query tool.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historian Client Workbook function changes after being saved
Direct Email: After installing the Excel Add-in I was able to connect and review tags. I used this function: =wwWideHistory3("PVMLWWONAP01", Sheet1!$A$1:$A$2,"Row100","Rel","-10M()",254,0,0,0,0,3,0,"",3,"",-1,0,"","NoFilter",16384) The problem I have with this Spreadsheet (and all I created in the past) is after saving, closing, and restarting, the function changes to: ='C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ArchestrA\HistClient.xla'!wwWideHistory3("PVMLWWONAP01", Sheet1!$A$1:$A$2,"Row100","Rel","-10M()",254,0,0,0,0,3,0,"",3,"",-1,0,"","NoFilter",16384) Have you seen this before? Is this an Excel issue or Historian Client issue?
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historian Client Trend Running In Demo Mode With Licenses Activated
Installed AVEVA Historian 2020 R2 When I go to the System Management Console See's License is valid Tag Count is accurate. Trend Shows Demo LM License Locally Historian Client Web 3217306229 Other Issue Plant Scada - 2020 R2. When I stop or shut down the scada connector on the historian side. It seems like the last value is hung or keeps writing the same value over and over. Is this WAD? Expectation is that the value would read zero with the connector shut down.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Searching for Tags In Historian Client Web !Working
When I try to use the search function, Im unable to find the 4 tags Im historizing. When I try to connect to the historian from another Computer(Client1) using http://data1-d:32569 it connects but when searching for the tags Im historizing it cant find them.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historian Client in Demo Mode
Historian Client Object goes into demo mode and is unable to acquire a feature
Read More[ISS Support Case] Remove Annotation From Trend Line
How do you remove an annotation from Trend
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historian Client Domain Users and Windows Integrated Login
In order to allow all domain users the ability to use Integrated login to the historian; what needs to be configured on the Historian side?
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historian Client installation Agreement Blank
Trying to load the software (product based loading Hist Client only) 2014 R2 SP1. Gets to the agreement page and it's blank.
Read More[ISS Support Case] License Issue
Installed wrong versions of drivers and excel on this 2014 machine. Needing to revert to a compatible version.
Read More[ISS Support Case] How to activate a license (XML)
other day was provided a temp license copied it. Not activating
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historian Client Standalone Installer Inquiry
Direct email: I need a favor, can you please let me know do you have AVEVA Historian Client setup only. Just a Query Client. The reason I am checking with you on this is, installing Historian Query Client from this whole package will be nightmare for end users, no matter how good documentation I will do for installation guide/steps.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Compatibility Information
Is Historian Client 2020 R2 compatible with Office 365
Read More[ISS Support Case] Unable to Install Historian Client Watchdog Message
Goes to install HC and gets a message that watchdog cannot start
Read More[ISS Support Case] Unable to Logon to Historian Server From Historian Client
Unable to make connection from Historian Client "Unable to reach INSQL server"
Read More[ISS Support Case] Hard drive space almost used up on Historian machine. Options?
Historian machine hard drive space almost used up. How to identify what is using space and optimization/resolution options.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historian Client Installation Issue (missing CNA)
I have created a dummy Server2022 VM on my laptop to experiment with as well. I have the System Platform Installation Guide manual, as well as a few other items, although I havent read every last bit of it. A couple quick questions Im running into at the start of the process on my dummy VM: 1- The SP / Historian Installer does not see the SQL Server Express 2022 instance that I already have installed, that is with TCP/IP and Browsing services turned on. Any thoughts on what Im missing? 2- In terms of migrating the configuration of the old Historian to the new VM, I noticed that there is a configuration export tool that generates a text file on the legacy (WW Historian 2017) machine. I have also taken the step of creating a .bak backup of each WW Historian Database (Holding and Runtime) as well. Is it preferable to restore those databases into the new SQL Server Express? Or is it better to use the import tool when attempting to migrate to the new system? I am aware these are pretty elementary questions, and I continue to read through the docs, but I wanted to make a contact with you and get a ticket rolling, as I am sure I will have lots of questions for you in the coming weeks!
Read More[ISS Support Case] Application Server Tags Do Not Maintain Hierarchical Structure In Historian Client
I've created an object (PFUSAM804_H) in the IDE with historized attributes. I've confirmed the tags are in historian by performing an export. However I can only view the tags in the Client Trend tool by going to the "all tags" sections. I cannot view the tags properly in the structure because the structure is not matching the galaxy. I found a note about moving the obotject in the galaxy causing a similar issue but could not fix it. I did rename the object and I have moved it. But if this is the issue then I don't know how to fix it. Please see file for screen shot.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historian Client Workbook tag select option requires login to on prem InSight server.
Historian Client Workbook tag select option requires login to on prem InSight server. Using Office 365
Read More[ISS Support Case] Installation Issue Unable to Accept License Agreement
Trying to install Client tools get to the LA and it's blank
Read More[ISS Support Case] License Agreement Field is Blank
During installation, user is unable to accept license agreement
Read More[ISS Support Case] Trend Shows Null Values for 2 tags
OI. Gateway.3 IDAS source trending Null values after about an hour of working
Read More[ISS Support Case] Unable to Install Historian Client
When installing the Historian Client, when prompted to 'Read the following license agreement(s)', no license agreement is shown and I can't select the acknowledge checkbox.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Seeking guidance on Silent Install Historian Client
Questions Site wants to install Historian Client; In the past there was an .exe to just install the HC. Now running 2023 IT want's to script silent install. Seeking resources / information. Install guide missing some details.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Needs an updated 2017 U3 SP1 Installer
New IT support specialist previously called Took over a case for a colleague (registered my email) can't locate Historian Client Installer. Looking for a 2017U3 SP1
Read More[ISS Support Case] License Agreement is Blank
Unable to complete installation due to the license agreement being empty
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historian client is not connecting
Getting an error when trying to connect: Assertion Failed: Abort........ "Impossible the server was not added"
Read More[ISS Support Case] Pop Up Compile Error in Hidden Module : Registry Functions
Fresh installation gets "Compile error in hidden module: Registry functions. This error commonly occurs when code is incompatible with the version, platform. or architecture of this application. Click "help" for information on how to correct this error "
Read More[ISS Support Case] Aveva Historian Web Client Tag Issues
We are able to only see certain tags in the Historian web client, whereas we can see all of the tags in the traditional client application.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Add Alert Button Not Working In Historian Client Web
I did notice that this does not work: (included screen capture of the Add Alert option in Client Web
Read More[ISS Support Case] Getting Impossible error when trying to connect to Historian server
All of my users are having problems connecting to the historian server. The server name, user, password are not being saved by the historian client. This is applies both with the Excel plugin or the Trend tool. The process of connecting is long and tedious. There are error messages at every step. Example of the error pop-op and the text from the dialog error box. These problems began when our company wide domain name was changed and all users had to update their laptops and began using new Windows usernames. Surprisingly I have not had any of these issues after my updates.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Insight 64bit Excel Add working On a Standalone System (No Wonderware)
I am trying to install the Excel addin for Historian client. I have followed the instructions in Tech Note 1078, however, the addin does not show up in the add in list, even after restarting Excel. The Tech Note states the network path should be "\\HISTORIANSERVERNAME\InsightAddin". However, the "InsightAddin" folder is not on the root drive of the historianserver. I did find it at... \Programdata\Historian\InsightAddIn. I tried to use that path, for the trusted catalog, but that didn't work either. See attached screen shot.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Cant Find Galaxy in Tag Picker
After connecting to the Historian via trend client only the test galaxy shows in the tag picker and not the production galaxy
Read More[ISS Support Case] Tag Picker Stalls While Browsing
Scrolling through Tag Picker in Trend or Query takes about a minute due to stalling
Read More[ISS Support Case] Unable to connect to Historian server
Client is unable to connect to Historian server. Unable to reach SQL Server. The client is also unable to connect to a remote license server from this client PC. Gets the following message: Could not connect to the Primary License Server. The reason could be either firewall is enabled on the node XXXXX or License Server Agent is not running on the port 59200 or Check that the specified machine is accessible and has a License Server installed.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Unable to Acknowledge Agreement
Installing Historian Client and the license agreement is blank
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historian Client, License Agreement Grayed.
3/3/2023: -Client trying to install historian Client. -License Agreement is grayed.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Instructions For Downloading Hist Client
Had a computer crash and needs Hist client reinstalled
Read More[ISS Support Case] going into demo mode, when on a separate node
couldn't acquire a license on client machine, trend would go to demo mode
Read More[ISS Support Case] license stuck in grace period
tried to get out of grace period but couldn't will escalate to aveva.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Insight cannot retrieve data
One tag is not showing values and giving error insight cannot retrieve data on historian client. can see tag and value on trend in historian
Read More[ISS Support Case] Loading Historian software on new employee laptops - Undermined issue
I am having some issues loading software on the laptops of some new employees. I have been in contact with technical support and have been unsuccessful. I would like to arrange for someone from InSource to come to our facility and work with our IT department to try to resolve this issue.
Read More[ISS Support Case] No data in the trend
After Migrating their application there was no data available in the trend from any tag.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historian Query Client Error
I am getting an error message while retrieving data from Historian Query Client. It seems "Engineering Units" column has issues. If I deselect this column Query works fine. Please refer to the attached screenshot.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historian Client 2023 Command Line
In the past, I seem to be remember being able to open the historian trend client from a command line prompt, and passing in a tag or list of tags to open. This is desired for opening the native historian client directly from OMI when the user wants the full functionality of the Historian Client as opposed to the included client control app. Is there a way to open the Historian Trend Client with a specific tag from the command line, ie. passing the tag in as some type of parameter?
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historian Client 64 bit
Does 2023 historian client Excel add-in support 64bit?
Read More[ISS Support Case] Client Trend goes into Demo after 3 minutes of running.
9/19/2023: -Terminal Server, Client Trend goes into Demo mode after 3 minutes of running. -.LOC on the VM worked.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historical Data missing After History Block Migration
Client reached out due to data missing in Trends after migrating History blocks from old Historian to new Historian Server.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Historian Client License Acquisition
Client reached out as when user was trying to access Historian Excel add in they were experiencing a license acquisition failure and the license status was showing as unknown.
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